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Emotional burnout

4 stages of emotional burnout

  1. I feel drive and have a sense of an achievement and I start to work and at the same time start to ignore other spheres of my life.
  2. I constantly feel that I'm tired.
  3. I constantly feel that I'm tired and start to have diseases related to my professional activity.
  4. I feel that I hate my profession and other people who I work with. This is a point of no return.


Go one stage up: from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1. If I'm at stage 3 it's useless to use treatment for stage 2.

1st stage treatment

Admit that I have an addiction then change my beliefs (only people who work a lot are successful, etc).

2nd stage treatment

Regularly have a rest. How do I know that I have enough rest? It's NOT about time (you may need 1 hour brake but I may need less or more), it's about when I feel I'm recovered. How to take a rest? Don't learn new things related to work, don't learn new languages, etc. Just forget about my work.

3rd stage treatment

Take a sabbatical. Usually it's from 3 to 6 months.

4th stage treatment

Change profession.

What to remember when I feel bad

I'm more than just a professional.