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Emotional intelligence

Parts of emotional intelligence

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Self-regulation
  3. Empathy
  4. Social skill


Ability to understand your own emotions and what caused them.

How to train self-awareness

  1. Describe your emotions in a diary. Do it every day.
  2. Analyze which body sensations correspond to a particular emotion.
  3. Analyze what other people feel when you read books or watch movies.


Use understanding of your own emotions for a more agile behavior.

How to train self-regulation

  1. Take care about your physical health.
  2. Use the breathing technique: breath in, hold, breath out, hold, repeat at least 10 times.
  3. Remember that you are responsible for your own actions, not other people's actions.


Ability to understand other people's emotions, what caused them and (possibly) share them.

How to train empathy

  1. Sincerely pay attention to other people. If possible listen more and talk less.
  2. Plan some questions in advance and ask them.

Social skills

Managing relationships to get along with others.

How to train social skills

  1. Invest your time in other people.
  2. Try to understand a situation from another person's perspective.