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  1. Introduction
  2. Tech questions
  3. Motivation and communication questions
  4. Candidate questions

Technical questions

  1. Please briefly introduce yourself, no need to repeat your resume, just emphasize the most important things.
  2. What was the most challenging problem you've solved recently?
  3. When would you use and when would you avoid to use CQRS pattern?
  4. What's your favorite technology? What's the worst thing about it? How do you think it's going to evolve in the next five years?
  5. Your manager asks you to help with legacy code with many bugs. What are you going to do?
  6. What did you learn recently?
  7. What book have you read last and why?
  8. What was the most difficult problem you have seen in your projects?

Motivation questions

  1. What was the most interesting project you were working on?
  2. How do you see your ideal work week?

Communication questions

  1. Our important client complains that our application works slow and your manager asks you to help. What will you do?
  2. You had been working on a task, and you realised it's much harder than you had expected. What will you do?