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Motivation models

People are motivated by their needs

Idea: basic needs are the source for people's motivation.

Drawback: the model doesn't explain a situation when people think about long-term outcomes of their actions and sacrifice their momentary needs.

People are motivated by carrots and sticks

Idea: people strive for pleasure avoiding punishment. If possible let people choose their way to work on boring tasks.


  • produces addiction to a money reward because it's clear how to get it
  • suppresses internal motivation
  • suppresses creativity
  • produces intertion of thinking

People are motivated by interersting work

Idea: people want to work in the flow mode when their tasks are difficult enough to avoid being bored but not too difficult to become anxious.

Considers work-related maturity. The best results are given in the flow mode when tasks are not too easy to make work boring and not too difficult to become too stressful and provoke anxiety.

Motivation drivers

  • Process
  • Achieving of a goal
  • Recognition
  • Power/authority
  • Belonging to a special group